WorkShop NEO

WorkShop NEO

SunSoft's(TM) WorkShop(TM) NEO(TM) 1.0 extends the award-winning software development environment and team productivity tools of the WorkShop family by adding a powerful set of tools called NEOworks(TM) for building scalable, robust, easily administered networked object applications. With WorkShop NEO, companies can develop shared services in the form of networked objects that implement core business rules and policies, and access these services from a variety of front-end platforms throughout the enterprise and the Internet. Shared services from disparate departmental and geographic locations combine to become the corporate web that brings commerce to the Internet.

NEOworks provides a Networked Object Constructor, an OMG CORBA-compliant Interface Definition Language (IDL) compiler, a Networked Object Debugger, and a rich suet of development frameworks that serve as a robust foundation for network object applications. In addition, WorkShop NEO contains powerful programmer productivity tools such as performance analyzers, multithreading debuggers, and configuration management software.

Networked object applications created using WorkShop NEO can be deployed on Solaris(TM) NEO, the powerful object layer extension for Solaris. Third party support is also available for access to NEO's CORBA-compliant networked objects from MS-Windows desktops.

The proven benefits of object-oriented methodology combined with a rich set of programming productivity tools delivers a highly flexible software environment, allowing companies to respond quickly to change, thereby gaining a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced markets.

Summary of Features

WorkShop NEO Features


Networked Object Constructor

IDL Compiler

NEO Services Development Framework

Networked Object Debugger


SPARCworks Developer Productivity Tools

SPARCompiler Language System

SPARCworks/TeamWare Code Management Tools

Minimum System Requirements


Operating System



© 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Product offerings and specifications subject to change without notice. SunSoft, the SunSoft logo, Solaris, Solstice, WorkShop, NEO, NEOworks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., licensed to SunSoft, Inc., a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business. All other products or services mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.